Monday, August 29, 2011

Heather and Jake are engaged!!

I took some pictures of a sweet friend of mine a few weeks back and wanted to share them with you. Jake was such a good sport for our shoot that lasted about an hour and a half in the Old City. The too of them make such a cute couple, can't wait for their May wedding!!





My absolute favorite!! Love those train tracks!!


Jake's look in this picture kills me.... it's too precious!!


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One of my favorites!



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Touch of Africa

I recently spend ten days in Uganda serving on a Medical Mission Trip. I met so many amazing people that were all so gracious for the very little that they had. Over the 5 days we served at Isaac Clinic in Wakiso we saw 650 patients, handed out more than 300 pairs of eyeglasses, and had over 200 people accept Jesus Christ. It was a truly life changing trip and I wanted to share a little bit of what it was like to live in Uganda.

Katie and the sweet Orphan

Katie got away for a few minutes and spent time with this sweet girl, she was too precious.

Mandy and Baby Eddie

Me and sweet baby Eddie. He came to visit me while I was working in the lab.

Sweet moment!

Katie holding a sweet African child's hand while they received some IV medications.




A major amount of the Ugandans time is spent walking to and from the well to get water. Most of the homes don't have water or electricity.

Ugandan Countryside

The Ugandan countryside looked like these... filled with homes without water or electricity, they took pride in what they had and kept the houses clean. You would be driving along and all of a sudden there would be cows on the side of the road.

Ugandan Home

A Ugandan home, Children and women would be outside the homes a lot of the time. They used this space to cook, wash clothes, and spend time with one another.


The shoe of choice while we were in Africa was TOMS since the soil carried parasites.

The Team

The Team of 23 that came from all across the state of Tennessee and one from Romania.